The Name and Family 1908
The family is of German descent or extraction, and the language of the Fatherland gave place to the English, more than a generation ago amoung the Smouses of America. Prior to 1810, the name was written Schmaus, excepting in a few instances, it was spelled Smouse as early as 1790. In Germany it is still written Schmaus, with the exception of those families who live in Alsace, who spell the name Von Schmausen, yet they are descendants of Carl Smouse, born June 11, 1281.
Many of the present generation are doubtless ignorant of the significance of the name. At the time of great migrations, A.D. 500, and the division of Germany, all names of German origin were given or assumed by families and referred to character, location, position or rank.
The name Schmaus means robust, hearty and rotund, and it also signifies royalty. In the province of Saxe-Coberg the name appears in history for the first time, and it was in the years 679-685 that Carl Schmaus was stationed at the town of Wohlsdorf as Colonel of “The Life Guards.” In the year 715 we find that John Schmaus located at Coblentz an d practiced medicine and surgery. He was also prominent in the affairs of state. His son Peter Schmaus, was also a noted physician and surgeon. Albrecht Schmaus was a Captain in the German artillery service during 1768-1779. Many of the Schmauses in Germany and the Netherlands are prominent in the affiars of state. John Jacob Schmaus was a member of Reichstad when he died in 1892. John Henry Schmaus of Peipsic, is recognized as one of the ablest surgeons in the Kingdom.
The family in America has been, and still is noted for industry, progress and patriotism. From the time of , and during the French and Indian war, to the present time, some of those who bear the name hage been in the arimies of America.
In the field of Merchandise we find a vast number who are successful and prosperous. Many are famous, but the name occurs frequently among those who are teachers, doctors, lawyers and ministers; in most of the callings of life representatives of the family are to b found, reflecting honor and credit on their chosen calling.
Ad the families intermarried with those of other religious faithe, (the Luthern church being the churcdh of their fathers), or as they located in communities where the church of their faith was not, and being a people who loved their Lord and Master more than their denomination, they identified themselves with the vhurch most convenient. Thus we find United Brethren, Methodist Episcopla, Brethren and other churches. Intelligence and industry have marked them, and as a result the family has been well represented in prominent positions in the church.
With the changes of location and church relation, there have been changes in political faith. Before the Civil War the family was solidly Democratic, and many are so yet. But we find many of the family to-day who are Republicans, some who are Prohibitionists, and some who are Populists.
The author of this book has been enabled through church records to trace the family lineage back to 1281, not a link missing in the chain. Charles (Schmaus) Smouse was born June 11, 1281, and he was a merchant in his native city. His descendants were prominent in mechanism, medicine, merchandizing and theology.
His son Jacob was born April 28, 1319, who was the father of nine children.
His son Adam was born April 23, 1342. Adam was married at the age of 20 years, and was the father of 10 children.
His son Daniel was born September 19, 1370. Daniel had but two children, a son and daughter.
His son Peter was born July 14, 1401. Peter was the father of six girls and four boys.
Henry his son, was born June 8, 1436 Henry had but one child, a son, whom he named Michael.
This son was born February 12, 1460. Michael was the father of eight children, all boys.
His first-born he named Henry, who was born November 20, 1485.
Henry was the father of Charles, who was born October 20, 1521, and at the age of 28 years married Mary Beacker, and had but one child, when he (Henry) died.
This child was John Schmaus, born March 19, 1550. John was the father of Adam, who was born January 24,1583
Adam married Gretchen (Margaret) Bauer, and had six children born unto them.
His son William was born December 14, 1610. He was married to Elizabeth Staker and had seven children.
George, his son was born May 10, 1683 (?) and was married to Anna Pflug. He was the father of eight children.
His son Peter was born August 23, 1665. Peter Schmaus was united in marriage to Mary Fleishman. To this union was born six children.
Henry the first son, was born February 2 1688. Henry married Catherine Foltz and had nine children; Henry (Isenberg ancestor), John, Anna, Mary, Phoebe, James, Peter, David, and Elizabeth.
John Smouse, son of Henry, and grandson of Peter, was born April 5, 1721.
He in the company of Casper Lutz, Valentine Wilt, Elias Nicholas Bender, Philip Smeltzer and Christian Miller set sail at Bremen for the New World as it was then called, and after a tempestuous voyage landed at Baltimore, Maryland, September 19, 1738.
He remained in the city of Baltimore for only a few weeks, when he went to Loudoun County, Virginia. He engaged with an old pioneer to drive team, which vocation he followed until the Spring of 1740, when he began farming. He also had a team of his own carrying freight from Baltimore into the settlements in Loudoun county, Virginia.
During the French and Indian war he and Christian Miller were in the employ of the Government. They were hauling supplies and helped to cut a road from Carlisle to Fort Bedford.(Pennsylvania). He was present with his team when that fierce battle was fought at Bloody Run, now Everett. He was one of eighteen men who with Captain Stone rescued six prisoners that were to be burned by the Indians. On the day following that of the battle Captain Stone being apprised of the doom awaiting the captives, called for volunteers to to at dead of night and rescue, if possible, their unfortunate comrades. Eighteen responded, and at midnight they started. Silently they marched through the forest, and when they first rosy hued of dawn appeared on the eastern horizon , with brave hearts and strong hands they dashed among the wigwams of the Indian camp and rescued their comrades, only one of the eighteen having received a slight wound.
It was at this time that he first saw the land or piece of ground in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, which he purchased in 1785. The deed for said land being dated August 24, 1785.
He was united in Marriage to Mary Wohlfrom, of Loudoun county, Virginia. She was a redemptionist, that is she had to serve four years as servant girl to a wealthy land owner, who had paid her fare, or passage from Germany to America. At the expiration of the tenure of service she had redeemed her pledge and was free. To the union of those two hearts were born nine children – Peter, George Adam, John, David, Charles, Catharine, Susan, and Matilda.
In the fall of 1785 he moved from Loudoun county, Virginia and settled with his family on the farm now known as the Ashcom farm, Bedford county, Pennsylvania. His sons Peter and George Adam were soldiers from Loudoun county Virginia in the Revolutionary War. They were present at Yorktown whe Cornwallis surrendered.