Eitel, Ex-Kaiser’s Son to Wed Widow
Engagement Announced To Mrs. Sielcken-Schwarzs, Whose Husband Was German American “Coffee King”
Berlin Oct 13, 1928 Prince Eitel Friedreich, second son of the former Kaiser, intends to re-enter matrimony. According to evening paper “tempo”. His bride will be Mrs. Sielcken-Schwarz, owner of beautiful Mahalden castle at Baden-Baden. Mrs. Sielcken has been twice a widow and once divorced. Her 2nd husband Herman Sielcken of N.Y. died in Germany some years ago, leaving a large fortune in coffee. Her 3rd marriage was to a singer Joseph Schwarz. Prince Friedreich in 1906 married Duchess Marie Charlotte of Oldenburg, from whom he was divorced in 1926 in October.
Mrs. Schwarz is said to be worth $5,000,000. Born in Brunswick, Germany, the daughter of the late Paul Isenberg, a wealthy sugar grower in the Hawaiian Islands, she was married in 1898 in Bremen to Adolph Wendroth. Three years later she divorced him at Kiel and obtaining custody of their tow children, now grown. She married Herman Sielcken of New York and Baden-Baden, a German American “coffee King” who was then 65 years old. He died in 1917 leaving her $4,000.000 which she regained after some litigation after the war. She married Schwarz in 1922, Baritone of the Berlin, Chicago, and San Francisco Opera companies.